Tuesday, July 14, 2009

9 Weeks down... how many to go?!

I decided it was about time for a baby bump pic. So here I am, at 9 weeks pregnant...

Sorry about the cell-phone-istic quality. My phone actually takes decent pictures, but I reduced the quality so I could send a few pictures in one message to my sister. Call it lazy. As my sister replied, "I can so see a little uterus poking out!" It's nice to know someone can tell I'm pregnant, even though my husband thinks I'm crazy for feeling huge already. I've been tempted lately to wear my PREGNANT (NOT FAT) tank top every time I leave the house.

For sake of comparison, here's a picture of me about 12 weeks pregnant the first time around...

So clearly, I'm showing just a little bit faster this time.
One thought I've had recently about pregnancy is how amazingly well it's planned out. If we woke up one day pregnant, and the next day had a baby, we would have no concept of how to care for and love this child.
Look at the trimester breakdown of pregnancy: the first 3 months, full of morning sickness and exhaustion, really teach you about sacrifice. After all, your body is changing in so many ways and yet you have nothing to show for it. If not for these weird changes you wouldn't even know you were pregnant. In motherhood, you give and give, and often get very little in return.
In the second trimester, you are finally given a little break. You get to feel these amazing flutters and kicks and you have a return of energy. People are starting to see you as a pregnant woman rather than wondering if you've looked into dieting yet. As a mother, you experience some truly wonderful feelings of bonding and love with your child.
Just as you're starting to really enjoy yourself, the third trimester comes along. You are big, uncomfortable, you can't sleep, and let's face it, those cute little kicks hurt. Most of all, you're sick of being pregnant, and tired of sustaining an entire human being inside of you. This time prepares you to go through the momentous climb that is labor and delivery and have the ability to be grateful at the end!
So perhaps it's a pretty good breakdown: two-thirds of motherhood just might be tough, uncomfortable, and full of sacrifices. But one-third of motherhood is pretty dang awesome, and that seems to make up for the rest!
Despite the fact that I'm in the midst of the lovely first trimester, I'm getting excited to see my little baby, via ultrasound, one week from today. I'll let you know how that goes, and what happens during a prenatal midwife appointment!

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