Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cloth Diapering, Pt. 2

So I posted (ages ago, I know) about cloth diapering and using the iCandy diapering system. I thought I'd update about cloth diapering since I've actually, you know, started. Haha!

In a nutshell: love it. I can't believe I didn't do this with Sophia! I would have saved so much money it's ridiculous. Plus the waste from diapers, not to mention how much healthier it is for her little bum. But alas, she's potty trained. (Joke, I'm THRILLED she's potty trained.)

The iCandy diapering system is totally adorable. Here's proof.
I know, right? Who wouldn't want that on their bottom?? These are 2 of the 5 totally adorable covers I have.

My two gripes with this system is that while it nevereverevereverNEVER leaks poop (even exclusively breastfed poop), it does sometimes leak pee. I've started to hit my stride with these diapers so I have more sucess than not, but still, it irks me. My other gripe is that it's a two size system, not a one sized system. So, when she grows out of this system I'm moving to...

Softbums! I already have one of these (no pics yet, sorry), and I love this sytem. It's an all in two, which means you switch out the insert when it's just wet. It's a fantastical, magical system, in that there's little "snuggers" in the legs which means it actually does fit from birth to potty training. And frankly, the snaps on other diapers are really annoying. I know most moms swear by them, but I'm a velcro kinda girl.

Anyway, we're buying a couple softbums a month until we have a decent stash. I can't wait to get more. So far what's been working surprisingly well is that I can fit an iCandy insert into the softbum shell, which creates a SUPER trim diaper. Like, Huggies trim.

I'm typing really fast because I can hear Paisley on the baby monitor and I need to wrap this up, lol.

Things that surprised me about cloth diapering:
um, it's actually not that gross.
the washing? So easy. And I don't mind it because I don't have to fold. I just stuff everything back in the drawer, easy peasy.
it's adorable.
I'm hooked. I don't think I will ever go back to "sposies." I love it!

Okay now Pais is fussing so without proof reading, I'm sending this post off into the big bad world!